friend Mary is a bit craft/hobby/project obsessed like I am and suggested we make these little bites of goodness. We both probably spent hours researching these things online and watching countless youtube videos and tonight we were ready to try them out! Mary made a yellow cake and crumbled it up before I got there and then we mixed in vanilla frosting. We formed them into balls and put them in the fridge for a few minutes while we got pink candy melts (those little disks you get at craft stores) all melted.We dipped lollipop sticks in a little pink candy and stuck them in the cake balls. So far this was easy and everything was going exactly as planned. Now...according to all the videos we watched, we were now supposed to just dip in the candy melts, pull them out, give a gentle tap, and BAM- a perfectly round nice looking ball. Well that did not exactly happen. When we tried to dip the balls in the candly melts they either fell off, got lumpy, or got a ton of the candy on the outside. You were supposed to gently tap the excess off but we had to bang and bang our sticks on the bowls to get get off the extra. Our sprinkle decorations were not so hot either. Some research revealed that the brand of candy melts we used were not good for this project so we'll have to get a different brand next time. But in the grand scheme of things, they turned out pretty cute for a first try and we will definitely advance to more difficult projects soon. I just tasted one for the first time and YUMMMMMY!! Here are some pics of the finished products.
If you work with me, stop by for a sample tomorrow. I have lots!
Next time they will probably look something like this. 
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