After several days of trying to get here- I finally made it to Australia to visit Brooke and Scott! I left Raleigh on Tuesday and got here on Friday (time difference and a LOT of delays) still in the same clothes and a bit of a hot mess. My body has no idea what day it is or time it is and my sleeping schedule is extremely off. Its 7 am now and I've been up since 4:30 but I went to sleep really early last night because I was so tired.
Sydney is a lot like NYC- extremely busy and crowded. Yesterday we went on a double decker bus tour to see the different areas including the famous Bondi beach. We are not really sure why it's so's pretty small but very nice. It's shaped like a horseshoe which has something to do with a volcanic eruption. There were lots of surfers and people laying on the beach. We also saw the Opera house, the Sydney harbor bridge which we might climb at some point, and lots of other interesting places. I really liked looking at the houses. Some were really nice and big but they are extremely close together and have no yard. People dress weird here. It's winter so they are in winter clothes...but it's like 75 degrees. Brooke and I are in tank tops and the local people are in boots, sweaters, and coats. Aren't they hot??
So I think the plan for today is to to visit some of the local markets they have on the weekends, walk around the opera house and botanical gardens, and maybe take a harbor cruise. I have not seen any koalas or kangaroos. Loving the accents! Pics soon.
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